Kicking Off 2022 With My Favorite Wellness Products
Happy New Year! I wanted to kick off 2022 with some of my favorite wellness apps and products. In addition, I wanted to offer my amazing readers some fabulous discounts!
For at-home workouts, I love the Peloton app. You can do their full body workouts without any equipment, which is great if you live in a small space or don’t have a gym. Download the app here and join even if you don’t have the bike (get 2 months free).
Another app to love: Lifesum. Lifesum helps you track nutrition and provides recipes based on your nutritional goals, allergies and more. The basic package is free to use but they also have a top-notch premium option that I highly recommend because it unlocks all the fun stuff like personalized plans and recipes.
These are stressful times, right? Something that has helped me calm my mind is a CBD tincture that’s clean and easy to take daily. Equilibria was founded by a woman and their CBD products are made for everyone! They make gummies, capsules, oils and more. I use the daily drops before bed or even before a flight or meeting. Once you purchase your first product they also set you up with a consultant to help you choose the best plan and dosage for you.
Speaking of underwear, when it’s that time of the month I hate wearing pads/tampons. Modibodi has been a gamechanger for me. I have a pair for every day of my cycle and a few pairs that I can sleep in, a pair for going out which is seamless, another one for workouts… so basically one for every occasion. Use Code: GUTSTADT15 for 15% off!
Since mask wearing is still very much a thing and probably will be for a long time to come, I wanted to share some of my favorite products keeping my skin hydrated and bacteria free:
True Botanicals - Radiance Oil
Glow Recipe - Watermelon Glow Niacinamide
Facegym - Hydro-Bound Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid + Niacinamide